Technology News

Google Meet Finds New Home In Lenovo Enterprise Tech

Google and Lenovo are hardly strangers, but they haven’t been collaborating too closely ever since the former sold Motorola to the latter back in 2014.

That particular event allowed Google to net in excess of $2.9 billion, and while the duo’s latest endeavor probably won’t lead to such financial incentives, it does show promise in the enterprise segment. More specifically, Google and Lenovo teamed up in order to make Google Meet even more accessible to companies of all sizes.

The project, powered by Google Cloud, revolves around specialized Google Meet hardware coming in the form of the so-called Google Meet kits which are meant to be super easy to set up and start using momentarily. The Plug-and-play solution will be made available to all new and existing G Suite and Google Meet subscribers interested in investing in a better set of equipment for home offices and setups involving a large number of those.

Technologically speaking, the kits are powered by the Tensor Processing Unit developed by google’s AI chip experts. Intuitive voice recognition, 4K capabilities, and intelligent framing automation are all part of the package that Lenovo and Google are now offering to enterprise customers in the United States and abroad.

Prices, naturally, will depend on order sizes, as tends to be the case with B2B solutions.

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