Technology News

Iron Man VR To Include PSVR-PS5 Adapters

The numerous delays of Iron Man VR led to a situation in which many gamers who pre-ordered the much-anticipated release will only get to experience it on the next generation of Sony’s gaming consoles.

Unfortunately, the PlayStation VR headset won’t work natively with the PlayStation 5 console, or better said, it will require an adapter in order to communicate with the new PlayStation Camera.

Sony has now confirmed that this inconvenience will not affect players who already made the switch or will make the switch by the time Iron Man VR is finally released. As the Iron Man VR bundled, advertised as an entry point into the world of VR entertainment, will be shipping with these adapters in the U.S. and Canada. Which makes it the first such VR bundle to be confirmed outside of Japan.

The adapter in question still doesn’t have an official price tag, but hopefully won’t end up being too pricey to acquire. As everyone just assumed PSVR will work on the PS5 without any additional investments. And Sony itself hinted at this being the case on numerous occasions before revealing otherwise.

As for Iron Man VR, the bundle in question now retails at $350 and will most likely have its price slashed even further by this year’s holiday season.

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